My website of choice for this week is The website gave an informative description of progressive enhancement and why it is important to modern web design. The general concept behind progressive enhancement is that the site is designed from simplicity and made more complex as you move “up the chain”.
In other words, the site is designed in its most simplistic form so that it will load appropriately on the greatest number of devices possible. Then enhancement such as design is added in to allow for a more enriched user experience.
After reviewing the article on progressive enhancement, I perused the site to get a greater feel of how the site looked, operated, and its more general purpose. has a small library of informative reads revolving around web design.
The site is organized efficiently making it easy to navigate. The pages are colorful and full, yet clean and purposeful. I give a 5 out of 5 stars for its well-balanced design, clean and organized layout, functionality, and content provided. This site is honestly one I will review again and may even frequent.
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